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CRC CRC 1751847

4 ltr 5.56 INDUSTRIAL
4 ltr 5.56 INDUSTRIAL


$151.75 excl gst

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4 ltr CRC 5.56 Industrial

CRC 5-56 Industrial is a high performance variant of CRC 5-56 fortified with PTFE for additional lubricating performance and is non-flammable making it safe for use in industrial applications.

The presence of PTFE provides effectivelubrication and performs extremely well when frequent start/stop or alternating movements occur. Superior penetrating power breaks through rust and corrosion, loosens rusted parts, displaces water from wet equipment and cleans away scale and dirt.

CRC 5-56 Industrial inhibits corrosion by forming a continuous protection barrier against water and oxygen. Moisture is displaced from electrical and ignition systems making it possible to start wet engines and to prevent electrical failure.

CRC 5-56 Industrial eliminates the need for many disassembly operations and cleans and protects surfaces contaminated by machining or handling.

Features & Benefits

  • Non-Flammable – Safe for industrial applications
  • Fortified with PTFE – For improved lubrication performance especially when frequent start/stop movements occur
  • Displaces moisture to help start wet engines
  • Inhibits corrosion – Long-lasting protective film provides ongoing protection against corrosion
  • Penetrates quickly, frees rusted parts – Breaks away rust and corrosion, frees components bonded by dirt and scale
  • Eliminates the need for many disassembly operations
  • Preventative maintenance programs – To increase life expectancy of mechanical equipment
  • Safe for all metals and alloys, most painted surfaces, coatings, plastics and rubbers
  • Contains no silicone
  • Cleans grease and tar off painted surfaces

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